Drug/Alcohol Program

In compliance with the DOT Regulations, Hearn Trucking LLC has a longstanding commitment to providing a quality-oriented and productive work environment. Alcohol and drug abuse pose a threat to the health and safety of Hearn Trucking LLC employees and to the security of our equipment and facilities. For these reasons, Hearn Trucking LLC has a zero tolerance policy of drug and/or alcohol use and abuse in the workplace.

Workplace Expectations

1. Whenever employees are working and operating any company vehicle, present on company premises, or are conducting company related work off-site, they are prohibited from:

  • using, possessing, buying, selling, manufacturing or dispensing an illegal drug (to include possession of drug paraphernalia);
  • being under the influence of alcohol or an illegal drug as defined in this policy; and
  • possessing or consuming alcohol.

2. The presence of any detectable amount of any illegal drug or illegal controlled substance in an employee’s body system, while performing company business or while in a company facility, is prohibited.

3. Hearn Trucking LLC will also not allow any employee to perform their duties while taking prescribed drugs that are adversely affecting the employee’s ability to safely and effectively perform their job duties. Employees taking a prescribed medication must carry it in the container labeled by a licensed pharmacist or be prepared to produce this if asked.

4. Any illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia will be turned over to an appropriate law enforcement agency and may result in criminal prosecution.

Required Testing

Pre-employment: All applicants must pass a drug and alcohol test before beginning work or receiving an offer of employment. Refusal to submit to testing will result in disqualification of further employment consideration.

Random Testing: Hearn Trucking LLC will randomly test employees for compliance with its drug-free workplace policy. As used in this Policy, “random testing” means a method of selection of employees for testing, performed by an outside third party. The selection will result in an equal probability that any employee from a group of employees will be tested. Furthermore, the company has no discretion to waive the selection of an employee selected by this random selection method.

Reasonable Suspicion: Employees are subject to testing based upon (but not limited to) observations by the supervision of apparent workplace use, possession or impairment. Human Resources, the Plant Manager, or the Director of Operations shall be consulted before sending an employee for testing.

Post-accident: Employees are subject to Post-accident testing when the accidents meets the description of a “DOT Accident.”


Applicants who refuse to cooperate in a drug test or who test positive will not be hired and will not be allowed to re-apply/re-test in the future.

Employees who refuse to cooperate in required tests or who use, possess, buy, sell, manufacture or dispense an illegal drug in violation of this policy, will be terminated.

The first time an employee tests positive for alcohol or illegal drug use under this policy, the result will be immediate termination.


Information and records relating to positive test results, drug and alcohol dependencies and legitimate medical explanations provided to the MRO shall be kept confidential to the extent required by law and maintained in secure files separate from normal personnel files. Such records and information may be disclosed among managers and supervisors on a need-to-know basis and may also be disclosed where relevant to a grievance, charge, claim or other legal proceeding initiated by or on behalf of an employee or applicant.


Hearn Trucking LLC reserves the right to inspect all portions of its premises for drugs, alcohol or other contraband. All employees, contract employees and visitors may be asked to cooperate in inspections of their persons, work areas, and property that might conceal a drug, alcohol, or other contraband. Employees who possess such contraband or refuse to cooperate in such inspections are subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including discharge.